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BackToGMAFCommand - Class in de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.command
This is a command class implementing command pattern.
BackToGMAFCommand() - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.command.BackToGMAFCommand
BackToMainCardCommand - Class in de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.command
This is a command class implementing command pattern.
BackToMainCardCommand() - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.command.BackToMainCardCommand
BagOfWordsDetection - Class in de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text
GMAF Plugin for the BagOfWords Detection algorithm for texts
BagOfWordsDetection() - Constructor for class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text.BagOfWordsDetection
basedir - Static variable in class de.swa.ui.Main
BooleanHelper - Class in de.swa.fuh.explanation
BooleanHelper() - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.explanation.BooleanHelper
BoundingBox - Class in
bounding box class, which represents bounding box element in GMAF XML
BoundingBox(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
build_document_from_xml(String) - Method in class de.swa.fuh.mpeg7.XMLDocumentBuilder
Builds the Document from path Input
buildHttpGet(String, String) - Method in class de.fuh.fpws2223.SocialMediaTwitterProvider
buildHttpGet(String, String) - Method in class de.fuh.fpws2223.SocialMediaYouTubeProvider
ButtonRenderer - Class in de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.ui.table
Renders delete button in JTable
ButtonRenderer() - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.ui.table.ButtonRenderer
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