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calculateGCStop(Vector<GraphCode>, boolean) - Static method in class de.swa.gc.GraphCodeCollection
calculates the Graph Code of Stop-Words (i.e. irrelevant terms within the collection)
calculateSimilarity(GraphCode, GraphCode) - Static method in class de.swa.gc.GraphCodeMetric
calculates the metric triple for Graph Codes based on a given query
canProcess(File) - Method in class
canProcess(File) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text.extension.DOCX_ExtensionPlugin
canProcess(File) - Method in interface de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text.extension.FileExtensionPlugin
returns, if a plugin can process a given file
canProcess(File) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text.extension.RSS_ExtensionPlugin
canProcess(File) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text.extension.TXT_ExtensionPlugin
canProcess(File) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text.extension.WAPO_ExtensionPlugin
canProcess(File) - Method in class
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.fuh.fpws2223.SocialMediaProcessor
canProcess(String) - Method in class
canProcess(String) - Method in class
canProcess(String) - Method in class
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.fuh.carnet.CarAPI
Diese Methode gibt zurueck, ob das Plugin Dateien mit einer bestimmten Erweiterung verarbeiten kann.
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.fuh.clarifai.ClarifAIPluginGMAF
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.fuh.opencv.OpenCVObjectDetectorGMAFPlugin
Only PNGs can be proceeded.
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.fuh.xml.ExternalPlugin
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.fuh.xml.GenericXMLImporter
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.fuh.yolo.YoloObjectDetection
canProcess(String) - Method in class
canProcess(String) - Method in class
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.ExifHandler
returns true, if one of the extensions is jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, or gif
canProcess(String) - Method in interface de.swa.gmaf.plugin.GMAF_Plugin
this method returns, if the plugin is able to process files with a given extension
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.googlevision.GoogleVisionBasePlugin
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.Mpeg7Import
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.ProcessFlowPlugin
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text.BagOfWordsDetection
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text.extension.FileExtensionFactory
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text.SentenceDetection
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text.SyntacticDetection
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text.WashingtonPostIndexer
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.VideoShotDetection
canProcess(String) - Method in class de.swa.gmaf.plugin.VideoSplitter
CarAPI - Class in de.swa.fuh.carnet
CarAPI() - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.carnet.CarAPI
CENTER - de.swa.fuh.carnet.Strategy
ChangeAlgorithmConfig - Class in de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.command
This is a command class implementing command pattern.
ChangeAlgorithmConfig(String) - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.command.ChangeAlgorithmConfig
ChangeAlgorithmConfig(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.command.ChangeAlgorithmConfig
changeBold(int) - Method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.ui.datamodel.AssetTextMarks
changeBold(TextMark) - Method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.ui.datamodel.AssetTextMarks
changePosition(int, int, int) - Method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.ui.datamodel.AssetTextMarks
changePosition(TextMark, int, int) - Method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.ui.datamodel.AssetTextMarks
ChangeTextMarkCommand - Class in de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.command
This is a command class implementing command pattern.
ChangeTextMarkCommand(File, int, int, int) - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.command.ChangeTextMarkCommand
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class de.swa.fuh.xml.GenericXMLImporter
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class de.swa.test.TrecTopicParser
CheckIfDirectoryExists(String) - Static method in class
method to check if file by given path to file exists
CheckIfFileExists(String) - Static method in class
method to check if file by given path to file exists
checkImageSize(File) - Method in class
Checks if image size is to big for labeling.
ClarifaiBasePlugin - Class in
GMAF Plugin for Clarifai API.
ClarifaiBasePlugin() - Constructor for class
Initiates Clarifai-Image-Labeler Class.
ClarifaiConnector - Class in
Helperclass to connect to the Clarifai backend.
ClarifaiConnector(ConnectionType) - Constructor for class
ClarifaiImageLabeler - Class in
Class to call Image labeling operations.
ClarifaiImageLabeler() - Constructor for class
ClarifAIObjectDetection - Class in de.swa.fuh.clarifai
Controller for submitting details for object detection to ClarifAI API.
Class can submit images to API in form of a URL, an image files or a byte array and returns bounding boxes defined by the service as a List of Type "Region".
For further information see ClarifAI documentation.
Class parameters are:
API_KEY: Needs to be generated by the user through and entered in clarifaiPlugin.config. modelId: Defines the ClarifAI model used for object detection.
ClarifAIObjectDetection() - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.clarifai.ClarifAIObjectDetection
ClarifAIPluginGMAF - Class in de.swa.fuh.clarifai
This class functions as an API between ClarifAI and GMAF.
ClarifAIPluginGMAF() - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.clarifai.ClarifAIPluginGMAF
ClarifaiPluginMain - Class in de.swa.fuh.clarifai
Application for object detection in image files through the standard ClarifAI API.
Images can be submitted as URL objects, as image files or as byte arrays.
Legal image formats: JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, WEBP
Application needs exactly one argument, containing one of the following:
Image url as a string Image file path Directory path containing image files The application will send either the single image given as an argument to the API or every image contained in the directory in seperate API calls.
ClarifaiPluginMain() - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.clarifai.ClarifaiPluginMain
ClarifaiResponseHandler - Class in
Helper class to handle respondes of the clarifai API
ClarifaiResponseHandler(MultiOutputResponse) - Constructor for class
clear() - Static method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.qrm.Refinement_UI
set static instance variable to null.
clear() - Static method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.qrm.RefinementCollection
set the single instance of this class to null.
clear() - Method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.ui.datamodel.AssetRectangles
deletes all relevance marks from the vector of relevance marks and informs the object that manages observers about this change
clear() - Method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.ui.datamodel.AssetTextMarks
clearHistory() - Method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.command.RelevanceMarkCommandHistory
ClearQueryCommand - Class in de.swa.ui.command
class to encapsulate the Clear Queue Command
ClearQueryCommand() - Constructor for class de.swa.ui.command.ClearQueryCommand
clearTable() - Method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.ui.panels.ImageRefinementTable
clearTable() - Method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.ui.panels.TextRefinementTable
Client - Class in de.swa.gmaf
Client() - Constructor for class de.swa.gmaf.Client
close() - Method in class de.swa.ui.ProgressFrame
close() - Method in class de.swa.ui.QueryResultFrame
CollectionCreator - Class in
CollectionCreator() - Constructor for class
CollectionProcessor - Class in de.swa.gc.processing
CollectionProcessor() - Constructor for class de.swa.gc.processing.CollectionProcessor
CollectionReferenceDetection - Class in
CollectionReferenceDetection() - Constructor for class
CollectionStatistics - Class in de.swa.gmaf.plugin.text
Statistical approach to Feature Relevance - WORK IN PROGRESS
COLOR - de.swa.fuh.carnet.Feature
Colors - Class in de.swa.fuh.explanation
Colors() - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.explanation.Colors
Command - Interface in de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.command
Interface for concrete commands.
CommandHistory - Class in de.swa.ui.command
Command History based on the Command Pattern
COMPLEX - Static variable in class de.swa.mmfg.extension.LanguageModel
ComplexLanguageModel - Class in de.swa.mmfg.extension
language generation based on Linguatools
ComplexLanguageModel() - Constructor for class de.swa.mmfg.extension.ComplexLanguageModel
CompositionRelationship - Class in de.swa.mmfg
data type to represent Composition Relationships
CompositionRelationship() - Constructor for class de.swa.mmfg.CompositionRelationship
CompositionRelationship(int, Node) - Constructor for class de.swa.mmfg.CompositionRelationship
CompressImage(File) - Static method in class
method to compress images, focused on jpg images
ComputerVision - Class in
main and start class for application
ComputerVision() - Constructor for class
ConfigDialog - Class in de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.ui.panels
Class implementing a ui dialog to configure the rf algorithm to be used to construct new queries
ConfigDialog(JFrame) - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.ui.panels.ConfigDialog
Configuration - Class in de.swa.ui
data structure representing the config files of the GMAF
ConnectionType - Enum in
Constants - Class in
class, which contains constants of whole project
Constants() - Constructor for class
constructQuery(QueryExecution) - Method in class de.swa.ui.command.QueryBySPARQLCommand
Content - Class in de.swa.importers.wapo
data structure to represent a RSS item
Content() - Constructor for class de.swa.importers.wapo.Content
CONTENTPANEL - Static variable in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.qrm.Refinement_UI
string to identify panel containing main ui content
Context - Class in de.swa.mmfg
data type to represent the Context
Context() - Constructor for class de.swa.mmfg.Context
Context(UUID, String) - Constructor for class de.swa.mmfg.Context
CreateDirIfNotExists(String) - Static method in class
method to create directory, if the directory is not yet created
CreateDocumentFromGC - Class in de.swa.fuh.explanation
CreateDocumentFromGC(GraphCode, boolean) - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.explanation.CreateDocumentFromGC
Document for query representation
CreateDocumentFromGC(GraphCode, GraphCode, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.explanation.CreateDocumentFromGC
Document for ranking information of one or two assets compared to query
createFeatureGraph(String, MMFG) - Method in class de.fuh.fpws2223.SocialMediaPostExtractor
createFeatureGraph(String, MMFG) - Method in class de.fuh.fpws2223.SocialMediaTwitterPostFeatureExtractor
createFeatureGraph(String, MMFG) - Method in class de.fuh.fpws2223.SocialMediaYouTubePostFeatureExtractor
createInstance(GraphCode, MMFGCollection) - Static method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.qrm.RefinementController
initializes the single instance of this class
createNode(Region, float, MMFG) - Method in class
createresidualerg(File, File, int, int) - Static method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.eval.TrecEval
createResultsDir() - Static method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.eval.TrecEval
Create directory for results of one experiment
createResultsFile(File, int) - Static method in class de.swa.fuh.qrefinement.eval.TrecEval
CreationInformation - Class in de.swa.fuh.mpeg7
CreationInformation() - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.mpeg7.CreationInformation
CreationInformation(String, Annotation, String, String, String) - Constructor for class de.swa.fuh.mpeg7.CreationInformation
CSVLogWriter - Class in de.swa
writes the GMAF log to a CSV file
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