The exam period begins and while I’m correcting the first papers, I remember my own math exam… Numerik-II in 1998 – at the same time my very last attempt, because Numerik and I were bound by a deeply celebrated, mutual enmity…
Unfortunately, failing also means that my studies are over for me. Although I had already successfully completed the computer science and mathematics pre-diploma, I needed this one certificate to be admitted to the diploma. And that was the last attempt for me. Not good… So with anxious steps I make my way to the scoreboard, 25 points were required to pass, I had… 23.
Shock. Have I really failed now? Can that be? What now? Different study program? Training? I would actually like to become a computer scientist. Damn. So what to do?
First to the exam meeting. Slightly shaky and still in a state of shock, I meet Dr. Alexander K., a mathematician with a doctorate, who has corrected the exams, and he shows me my results. Alexander says “Look, you have 6 points for each of the first four tasks and 5 points for the fifth task. 4×6 are 18 and 5 are 23, unfortunately you’ve failed”. I let that sink in for a moment, but then look at him in confusion. “Please repeat….?” and he repeats “4×6 are 18 and 5 are 23” and his eyes get almost as big as mine at that moment.
Of course, the (or his) miscalculation is corrected immediately and I receive the correct 4×6=24 plus 5 are 29 points, my Numerics II certificate, can continue my studies and graduate a year later. Crazy. This story has haunted me ever since and almost everyone who knows me has heard it.
In response, I always receive similar – sometimes funny, sometimes tragic – anecdotes from my student days. Anyone who wants to is welcome to share their own experiences here (I certainly won’t tell anyone).
And with this experience in mind, I now sit in front of my exams, write dots next to the tasks and – to be on the safe side – have the calculator next to me – because mistakes happen. Not only for the students, but also for us teachers or correctors. Let’s deal with it with mutual understanding and a smiling eye 🙂
Have a wonderful end to the day!
Technische und unternehmerische Beratung sind komplexe und verantwortungsvolle Aufgaben. Meine langjährige Erfahrung in Unternehmen jeglicher Größe und in verschiedenen Branchen (Industrie, Automotive, Banken, Versicherungen, Startup, Mittelstand) hilft auch Ihnen, einen strategischen und nachhaltigen Rahmen für Ihre Investitionen aufzubauen.